A Refresher on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

A Refresher on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

As we inch ever closer to a very important election day, I thought a refresher on Comprehensive Immigration Reform (or “CIR”) would be helpful when reading candidate statements and viewing debates. Broadly speaking there are three key areas to CIR: Secure the border,...
Visa Processing Resumes in Phases

Visa Processing Resumes in Phases

The U.S. State Department announced that visa processing at U.S. consulates and embassies abroad can begin as early as July 15, 2020. Since the March 20, 2020 suspension of operations and cancellation of visa interviews at most consular posts, there has been little...

Knapp Immigration Law supports the Black Lives Matter movement to achieve understanding, equality, and justice. As an immigration attorney, I also believe it’s important to offer a word of caution to noncitizens about participating in public assemblies or...
The President’s Covid-19 Immigration Ban

The President’s Covid-19 Immigration Ban

In typical fashion, the White House released this latest Executive Order after business hours last night and made it effective today, April 23, 2020. Let’s first be clear about what’s going on here. This no doubt was engineered by the president’s anti-immigration,...
The New Public Charge Rule

The New Public Charge Rule

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a new rule in August 2019 to require a review of the financial situation of each person applying for lawful permanent resident status, i.e. a “green card.” After several court challenges, the rule finally...
Coronavirus and Immigration – Some Tips

Coronavirus and Immigration – Some Tips

It has become increasingly difficult to sort through the fog of coronavirus updates. I’d like to offer just a few tips based upon what I’ve seen in my practice. I’ve also included some links to resources that may be of help. Travel to the United States Until at least...